If you would like to participate in Sea-Changes or wish to be kept informed about it, please complete this form. If you have an email address, you should receive an email note in response, which will mean that I have your correct email address.

City:         Province/State:
Country: Postal Code:
e-mail address:
Web page
(if you have one):

Please write a few sentences or a short paragraph about yourself in the box provided below. Some points to include might be:

  1. where you are from (and have been)
  2. the nature of your work and your career
  3. a few details about your family status
  4. your age (you don't have to be specific: late 50's, mid-60's, early 70's, 80's, etc. will do )

    [Home page]   [Call for Participants]   [Origins, drawings...]   [Concepts]   [How to Participate]
    [About Autobiography]   [About Two Women]   [Sea-Changesat the Banff Centre]